Our farm

With respect to the the rich tradition of Naxian cuisine, and because we want to offer you the best of it, we have our own fields with vegetables and vineyards with 3500 roots that cover our needs for wine and raki.

Our Garden

In order to meet the needs of the restaurant in vegetables and herbs we do have have our own fields where various products are cultivated with care. We produce our own tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, rucola, lettuce, aubergines, watermelons, dill, parsley and many more veggies and herbs. A large part of the garden is occupied by onion cultivation, since we need much of it for every tasty Greek dish, but also for our fresh salads.

Four farmers have undertaken the care of our fields on daily basis. Fresh organic products are collected carefully so as to reach directly our tavern and your table.

Our Vineyards

The philosophy of Yannis restaurants is based on always serving the best, while respecting the tradition of our place and the Naxian cuisine. In this effort, we have decided to personally get involved with the production of wine and raki. This is why we have our own vineyards, with a total of 3500 roots, from which we produce the quantities of wine needed for both Yannis restaurants, not only for consumption by our customers, but also for our cook to prepare our dishes. Because this is what we do! Even in cooking procedures, we use our own wine, the one we know best, instead of a bottled one.